
Choosing Your Wedding Car

Your journey from home to the service & reception venue should be the most memorable & comfortable times with your Father, Mother, bridesmaids, best men & family members, but what type of transport should you consider for the big day, not only with Premier Limos but what others have to offer in style & colour of the vehicle, number of seats, budget, ease of access & weather.

Photo taken during a photo shoot with Austen Blackmore

Over the next week, ill be posting tip’s and advice when looking to book a vehicle for the big day and the first hot off the press is – Colour of the vehicle

White, Cream Red, Blue, Old English White, Silver, and yes even Black is a colour for a wedding car. When looking for the perfect car for the big day, take a step back and don’t get carried away with the traditional “white wedding car” think about how your dress will look against the vehicle’s paintwork, if you have a white dress and a white car you will both blend in and lose all the amazing detail’s the dressmaker has gone to the trouble of adding and you might look washed out, or depending on the shade of white may make the dress look dirty in the photos, after all, you don’t want to look like Tacey’s net curtains at number 72 that looks like they haven’t been washed for about 3 years on the big day.

Alternative colours for a wedding car that help with not only the photos but wedding style are old English white or Pearl white of a bit of sparkle, this is a slightly darker white (hint of gold in pearl white) then normal and bit creamy so helps with the details of the dress and suits if having a bespoke suit for the groomsmen, after all, it’s his day too.

Pearl white Lincoln Town Car

Not to self promote but a fabulous way to achieve a classic vehicle on the big day and for the details of the dress to be shown off to the max is the Rolls-Royce silver spur in a fetching colour of Royal Blue, on a recent photoshoot this vehicle really made the details of the dress stand out and not blend into the background, vintage cars come in all sizes and colours but I feel work best with they have a two-tone paint scheme ie, black over ivory, blue over silver these paint styling’s complement the cars lines and breaks up the single block of colour on some cars that would be then just a big lump of colour in the background of the photos.

Asian wedding car hire nottingham
luxury wedding limo hire Nottingham

Don’t be put off from picking a white car just think about how the photos will turn out after the big day has gone, ask to look at past wedding photos with whoever you are looking at booking, most companies will have a website/Facebook page and regularly upload photos from recent weddings so you can at least gain an idea what the car looks like with a couple next to it, and sometimes if local to the venue will see the vehicle at the church or registry office & reception venue, be brave and go with a splash of colour

Up next will be Dress Vs Car, how much dress/legroom will you have on the day when travelling to the venues.

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